Mogo blog

Welcome to MOGO Blog!

We’ll be using this blog to discuss all things recruitment and career management.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. I look forward to reading them!

  • Female candidates’ extraordinary ability 
    Over the past seven years working within the recruitment industry, one of the things that has struck me the most is the female candidates’ tendency to self-doubt. Although I must admit that it took me some time and a few chats with fellow recruiters to fully comprehend it. As a recruitment consultant, part of my … Continue Reading
  • 10 tips to get you ready to rock your interviews
    Interviews are often dreaded and at Mogoya Consulting we know that, so here are ten tips you can use to rock them!
  • Fear
    Fear is not and should never be considered as a motive to hold back. Fear is nothing more than the realization of what lies ahead. You know deep down that you are about to do something special and of course there is a great deal at stake. You are probably financially unstable at the moment … Continue Reading