Career Management

At Mogoya Consulting we believe that the word “ambition” is not exclusively applicable to one’s professional career. Wanting more from life and aspiring to find the right balance between one’s personal and professional projects is an ambition in its own right. 

We will assist you before, during and even after the entire recruitment process if need be. We specifically designed tailored packs to meet your needs. Each pack is flexible and consists of sessions that should last about 2 to 3 hours with either a face-to-face meeting or a videocall. 

Our job is to foster the thought process that will lead you to make the best decision for yourself eventually regardless of your job or industry.  In order to do so, we will walk you through a bespoke assessment of your situation taking into account your professional background, career aspirations and last but not least all the elements that make up your hobbies and other activities that inspire you and make you happy. 

We will then assist you in writing a resumé that actually matches your newly defined aspirations and shines the light on your strengths and assets. Getting yourself the right resumé is the first step you’ll take towards your future job.

Congratulations, your new resumé has managed to secure you an interview! Now, let’s get on with the interview preparation. Through discussion-based exercises you will acquire the tools to face the next steps of the process (interviews, salary negotiation, resignation, onboarding…) with confidence. 

What our clients have to say

Fatoumata helped me navigate the recruiting process, from asking the right questions during the first interview to negotiating an offer effectively. With her valuable insight and her warm personality, working with her is a career-defining experience.

Myriam, 25 years

Fatoumata est une battante. Elle partage sa force pour nous pousser dans nos retranchements et nous faire sortir de notre zone de confort, toujours avec le sourire et beaucoup de bienveillance. Grâce à elle, j’ai beaucoup appris sur moi-même et j’ai réussi à décrocher le poste que je convoitais. Je lui dois le changement et l’amélioration de mes conditions de travail et de vie. Un grand merci !!

Daniela, 29 years

Grâce à ma séance de coaching avec Fatou, j’ai pu apprendre à mieux me connaître et à connaître mes points forts et mes points à améliorer. Je recommande ses sessions à 100%, ses conseils sont très précieux et les entreprises voient le travail effectué avec elle lors des entretiens

Nora, 23 years

L’accompagnement avec Fatou a débuté avec la rédaction d’un nouveau CV qui m’a permis d’être contactée par des recruteurs en moins de 24h.
Elle a su intelligemment valoriser mon expérience professionnelle et mes acquis.
J’ai également été accompagnée dans la préparation d’entretiens, qui m’ont conduit en quelques semaines seulement à trouver un poste qui correspond en tous points à mes attentes. Je la recommande à 200% !

Dipa, 43 years

During our first session, Fatoumata asked relevant questions that lead me to reflect on what I really wanted for myself. She helped me regain my self-confidence.
She has the ability to make you understand and value your uniqueness. After our coaching session I felt confident and ready for my interviews. Thank you so much Fatoumata!

Elke, 55 years

Get in touch today for your complimentary consultation!

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